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Crus Scholars Program

 The Crus Scholars Program provides undergraduate students and mentors the opportunity to work together on research or creative projects that are related to metallurgical engineering.  Areas of interest this semester include (but are not limited to): renewable energy, energy storage, environmental mitigation of contaminants, recycling, and critical materials.  The program provides funding for 2-3 students who assist with a faculty member’s research or creative project or who carry out a project of their own under the supervision of a faculty member. Students may apply for the Crus Scholar Program each semester and may be eligible for a one-semester renewal. Crus Scholars awardees are hired as part-time employees and paid $15 an hour for research work performed in the Crus Center during the semester.


Crus Scholar Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must have identified a research mentor at the time of application.
  • Applicants must be matriculated and degree-seeking undergraduate students in the Metallurgical Engineering Program at the University of Utah.
  • Applicants must not be on academic probation, disciplinary probation, or suspension.
  • Applicants must be attending the University of Utah full-time or part-time during the award semester.
  • Applicants must have faculty mentors who are current University of Utah faculty members. This means that the faculty mentor position title must include "professor."


Student Expectations

Crus Scholars are expected to:

  • Attend mandatory Crus Scholars Orientation at the beginning of the award semester.
  • Participate in at least one high school metallurgical engineering recruiting event in the semester.
  • Complete a Crus Scholar Final Report by the end of the award semester.
  • Present the research at the end of the semester to the Crus Scholar community.
  • Conduct the research project under the supervision of the faculty mentor as proposed in the application. Substantial deviations from the original project must be discussed with the Crus Scholar Director.
  • Acknowledge support from the Crus Scholar Program in the dissemination of the research.
    We suggest the following: "This work was supported by funding from Crus Scholars Program at the University of Utah awarded to [your name here].
  • Be familiar with and follow the University of Utah’s policies on academic conduct. Plagiarism will result in the disqualification of all involved proposals and possible further action per the student code. For more information on academic conduct at the University of Utah, see the Student Conduct Code.
  • Sign and comply with the Crus Scholars Participant Agreement.
  • Devise a schedule with your Crus Scholar Mentor to ensure you contribute at least 120 hours of research or creative work to your Crus Scholar Project. This schedule must be in writing, and signed by the Crus Scholar and the scholar’s Mentor


Mentor Expectations

The mentors of awarded Crus Scholars are expected to

  • Support the student in preparing the Crus proposal. The proposal must be written by the student.
  • Mentor the student in conducting the proposed research. Mentors are asked to detail at least three specific mentoring activities or strategies for the semester in the Faculty Mentor reference.
  • Ensure that the student is appropriately certified as needed for Human Subject Research, Animal Research, Laboratory and other Environmental Health, HIPAA, etc.


Proposal Guidelines

  • Font: Times New Roman double spaced
  • Margins: 1 inch top and bottom
  • Page Count: 4-5 pages singled spaced including references and figures


Applications are due October 5th 11:59pm, and Scholars will be announced October 27 7th 2022.


Please email applications to:
Swomitra Mohanty

Last Updated: 9/15/22